Working with Foundation of Light developing a Disability Champions course.
The disability champions course has been a great success with over 60 people attending the first course ‘ SEND awareness’. The next course will be ‘Autism Awareness’ on the 16th October at the Beacon of Light…keep an eye on twitter for more information.
Helping you work with your most complex students!
Teachers, Support staff, Educators!
I can offer a range of training and support to ensure all your students achieve to their best ability.
‘I believe a better understanding of SEND and complex needs can be achieved through information sharing and I am committed to ensuring that education is developed and delivered to as many people as possible.’
This is through my suite of in house, fixed dates and distance learning programmes, which can support you to understand behaviours and conditions in your environment and provide you with the tools and strategies to manage these.
I can work across the UK and Internationally.
Just contact me at to let me know what I can do to help.

BSc (Hons), PGCE, MEd